Thursday, September 06, 2007

Men's Discussion Group

Men's Discussion Group

Potential Topics

The use of violence in self-defense: a right ? A duty? An evil? Questions and Answers on Gospel Nonviolence: mp3 file on compact disc available in rectory

What should we think about angels and their importance in our lives? Our Sunday Visitor center section from 9/23/07, available in rectory.

How can we understand the 9th and 10th commandments today? Everyday Catholic website for September and October 2007

Why don't we hear much about the Seven Deadly Sins anymore? Never mind sloth, lust and gluttony - but look out if you're a cruel, bigoted adulterer,” Richard Jinman, The Guardian, 2/7/05; cartoons >here<; and webpageThe Seven Deadly Sins

Is Purgatory a Blessing? Fr. John Corapi DVD available in rectory: Judgment, Purgatory, Heaven, Hell

Why does it matter whether there is a Devil? “The Devil—Yes, He Does Exist,” Bishop Sheen VHS cassette available in rectory.

Is there room for manliness in the Church today? Article from Crisis magazine, “The New Catholic Manliness”

What are the reasons that people do evil? Column by Dennis Prager and mp3 file of broadcast